Seattle Sperm Bank Family Slot ProgramNew
Seattle Sperm Bank (SSB) proudly leads the way as the first sperm bank in the United States to introduce family slots for newly available donors.
SSB’s family slot program tracks the number of families utilizing a donor at any given time. Owning a slot allows families to have access to available vials for their donor of choice while going through current and future treatments.
This program is part of SSB’s transparency efforts and adherence to our family limit policy, allotting each sperm donor to a maximum of 25 families nationwide.
Click here for international inquiries.
We understand you may have questions about this program so we’ve compiled our most frequently asked questions below.
Family Slots – Frequently Asked Questions
What is a family slot?
Family slots permit a set number of individuals in the US to buy vials from a specific donor, with each donor having a maximum of 25 slots available. Purchasing a slot allows you access to buy that donor’s available vials now and in the future.
What is the cost for a family slot?
The cost for a family slot is $700, which includes one year of complimentary storage. Family slots do not expire providing you access to available vials throughout your treatment.
Additionally, if you choose to relinquish your family slot without a reported birth for any reason, SSB will refund your family slot fee.
When should I purchase a family slot?
Family slots should be purchased as soon as possible to secure the use of your selected donor. Securing a family slot is the only way to ensure you have access to current or future vial inventory. The donor profile will indicate how many family slots are available.
Can I purchase a family slot without vials?
If your donor has IUI vials available, you must purchase at least one vial (either IUI, ICI, ART, or ICSI).
If there are no IUI vials available, you may purchase a family slot and be added to the waitlist for a future vial release. Or purchase a family slot with any other vial type that is available.
My donor has no vials available, can I be added to a waitlist?
Yes, however, you must purchase a family slot to be added to the waitlist and have access to future vial releases. If vials become available through the waitlist, you must purchase at least one vial type to maintain your family slot.
If you choose to relinquish your family slot and do not have a birth to report, SSB will refund your family slot fee.
Do I have to purchase a family slot?
If a donor is part of our family slot program, clients wishing to use the donor’s vials are required to purchase an available slot.
How long do I have the slot for my selected donor?
Family slots do not expire. Upon reporting a live birth, the slot is retired indefinitely. Refunds are available if treatment stops for any reason without a reported birth.
If I decide to switch donors, can I automatically transfer my family slot over?
While family slots are non-transferable, you can sell back a slot and purchase a new one from a different donor. Additionally, we offer a buy-back program for any unused vials.
Why do only certain donors offer family slots?
SSB initiated the family slot program in May 2024 in support and alignment with the country’s first legislation on third party reproduction family limits. We plan to expand this initiative to include more donors as the program grows.
Can I purchase a family slot while awaiting medical clearance from my clinic?
Yes, however, if the donor has available IUI vials, you must also purchase at least one vial (of any available vial type) with the family slot.
If there are no IUI vials available you may purchase a family slot without a vial purchase and be added to the donor’s waitlist. If donor vials become available through the waitlist before medical results have concluded, you must purchase at least 1 vial to maintain family slot.
Should your medical team find the donor unsuitable for treatment, your family slot is fully refundable.
Please see our medical swap policy for more information regarding medically incompatible vials.
Does owning a family slot guarantee there will be vials available for purchase?
No, owning a family slot does not guarantee there will be future vials released for your donor. Vial inventory is subject manditory FDA testing being completed by the donor and results conducive to a release of vials.
We strongly encourage you to purchase enough vials for your family goals when securing a family slot. On average, families purchase 3+ vials per pregnancy.
Can I purchase multiple family slots for different donors?
No, each SSB account holder can maintain only one family slot at a time for any donor.
Can I purchase multiple family slots for a single donor to reduce family limits?
No, each SSB account holder can maintain only one family slot at a time per donor currently.
Please see Exclusive / Limited Use Donors for smaller family limits.
What happens to my family slot after I have a baby?
Your family slot is secured indefinitely upon reporting a live birth. Your ownership of the slot allows you to purchase future sibling vials if they are available.
You will also have acess to other SSB services after reporting a birth such as SSB Connects, Sibling storage discounts, and your child’s future contact with their donor via our Open ID policy.
Who can I contact to ask additional questions about available family slots?
Contact us at or call 206.588.1484 for further inquiries.
Ordering Family Slots
You can add family slots to your online cart from the donor profile.
Keep in mind:
- Are family slots available for this donor? There is a limit of 25 families per donor.
- If IUI vials are available you must purchase at least 1 vial of any type. Future vial releases are not guarenteed at any time.
- Are you the holder of family slot for another donor? You can only maintain 1 family slot at a time.
- If you choose to relinquish your family slot without a reported birth for any reason, SSB will refund your family slot fee.
Family slots only need to be purchased 1 time for each donor. If you have already purchased a family slot for your donor, you will have access to any current or future vials for that donor.
Order via Website
From the Find a Donor screen, search for the donor your are interested in.
- Click on the donor profile you are interested in purchasing.
- From the donor profile screen, look for the Family Slot button and click to Add to cart.
- Select the quantity of available vials you wish to purchase and click on the Add button. *As mentioned above, a vial of any type must be purchased if IUI vials are available. If no IUI vials are available, you may proceed with purchasing the family slot and be added to the waitlist for a future vial release.
- Once you are done adding a family slot and vials, click on View Cart/Checkout.
For additional information on completing an order, visit our General FAQ page.
How do I return my family slot?
If you choose to relinquish your family slot without a reported birth for any reason, SSB will refund your family slot fee. If you have any remaining vials associated with that family slot donor, you will be required to release them as well.
We offer a buy-back program for any unused vials.
Contact our Client Services Team at or 206.588.1484 to process a family slot return.
Click the button below to view a list of filtered donors with Family Slots!
Help & Support
How do I contact someone for help?
If you need assistance, don’t hesitate to contact us using one of the following methods:
Email – Send an email to at anytime. We typically respond back to customer emails during our standard business hours.
Online Chat – Online chat is available during business hours. Click on the Chat popup in the lower right to start a chat session.
Phone – Contact our customer service team during business hours by phone at (206) 588-1484.
Business Hours – Our customer service is available Monday through Saturday.
- Weekdays – 4:00 AM to 6:00 PM PST
- Saturdays – 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM PST

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