Adding donors to your Favorite list is a simple process.

Our members are able to easily add their favored donors to a Favorites List. It’s a simple process.


Add Donor to your Favorites
  1. Make sure you are logged onto the website with your account. You can login from the my-account screen.
  2. Search for a donor from the Find a Donor screen. Click on a donor to open their profile.
  3. To add a donor as a favorite, click on the heart icon to the left of the Donor Title, or click on the Add to Favorites button in the lower right corner.


View your Donor Favorites
  1. Make sure you are logged onto the website with your account. You can login from the my-account screen.
  2. Go to the My Account Screen to view your favorite list.
Favorite Donors List
* example of Favorite Donor list output
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