Meet Jafar (10048)
Jafar has a smooth, medium complexion that tans nicely after some time in the sun. He has black hair and deep brown eyes. Jafar keeps his face clean shaven and has full lips with straight white teeth. He has thick eyelashes and glasses that give him a highly intelligent look. This suits him as he has his M.S. and is currently pursuing a Ph.D. in electrical engineering.
Jafar is extremely intelligent and analytical. He is great at looking at a problem and assessing the best approach to solve it. Jafar is dedicated, pushing himself to be the best he can and is currently working towards his Ph.D. He is inquisitive, constantly asking questions and striving to better himself and those around him. Jafar is a great donor for those people looking for an intelligent and thoughtful donor.
AB Rh+
Iranian, Persian
M.S. Electrical Engineering/Phd in Electrical Engineering / Electrical Engineer
Counsyl Fundamental Panel Plus (at least 21 conditions)
- No disease causing mutations detected
- Karyotyping : 46, XY
- Karyotyping
- Cystic Fibrosis
- ABCC8-related Hyperinsulinism
- Alpha Thalassemia
- Bloom Syndrome
- Canavan Disease
- Familial Dysautonomia
- Fanconi Anemia Type C
- Gaucher Disease
- Glycogen Storage Disease Type Ia
- Hb Beta Chain-related Hemoglobinopathy (including Beta Thalassemia And Sickle Cell Disease)
- Hexosaminidase A Deficiency (including Tay-Sachs Disease)
- Joubert Syndrome 2
- Maple Syrup Urine Disease Type 1B
- Mucolipidosis IV
- NEB-related Nemaline Myopathy
- Niemann-Pick Disease, SMPD1-associated
- Usher Syndrome Type 1F
- Usher Syndrome Type 3
- Walker-Warburg Syndrome