SHIPPING DELAYS: Seattle Sperm Bank, along with FedEx and UPS, are experiencing shipping delays due to inclement weather throughout the country. Please note that our shippers do not return shipping fees due to inclement weather, so SSB will not be able to provide refunds at this time.

Frequently Asked Questions About At-Home Insemination (COVID-19 Specific)

For many, the COVID-19 pandemic has re-routed their journey to parenthood. With at-home insemination, there is a path forward. This option is not only comfortable and affordable when compared to other clinical methods of insemination, but it also supports social distancing. Seattle Sperm Bank can ship tanks right to your home all over the US. Learn more about where we ship here.

Here is an informative article when trying to decide if home insemination is right for you.

What You Need for Your Home Insemination

First, you’ll need to select a sperm donor and place your order for samples. If you need guidance or have questions about choosing a donor, we encourage you to contact one of our friendly Client Services Coordinators. You can call 1-206-588-1484 or email us at We offer free email and phone consultations, free photo matching, and friendly advice from our team of dedicated coordinators, all of whom interact with our donors on a regular basis. Our staff can also help you properly purchase, order, and plan for the storage of your samples.

After deciding on a donor, it’s important to make sure you purchase an ample supply of vials. It typically takes more than one insemination to become pregnant. Consider purchasing multiple vials to cover multiple attempts. In the event that you do not use your vials in storage, you can take advantage of our Buy Back Program.

Frequently Asked Questions

As you are considering if at-home insemination is right for you, here are some questions that our Client Services Team frequently receives.

How can I do IVF without going to the doctor?

Although it is not possible to perform embryo transfers or Intrauterine inseminations at home, there are still options for continuing fertility treatments at home. Intracervical insemination or ICI is what is going on for at-home insemination. Seattle Sperm Bank can ship directly to your home with easy to follow instructions, making it possible to continue the journey to parenthood.

How much is home insemination?

A $50 All-Access Pass Membership will give you 3 months of unlimited online access to detailed information about each donor.

Once you have found your favorite donor, vial and shipping pricing can be found here.

What vial types can I use and is there a difference in success rate?

Both ICI vials and IUI vials are suitable for home insemination.

Based on cell count, there is no reason to believe that one vial type (washed vs. unwashed) is more successful for an ICI procedure because they both contain the optimal number of motile cells or more for the best chance of successful conception.

We truly stand behind the quality of our vials, learn more about our vial quality.

What is the best kit for home insemination?

Seattle Sperm Bank provides a basic at-home insemination kit with every home delivery.

What paperwork is needed?

In addition to our Purchaser Semen and Storage Agreement, Seattle Sperm Bank requires you to discuss this procedure with a healthcare professional. They will need to sign a Clinical Release prior to shipping.

What do I do if I can’t get the paperwork signed?

We understand how crucial social distancing is at this time, but we do still require a Clinic Release Form to be signed by a healthcare professional. There are no exceptions. This ensures that at-home insemination is medically safe for you. Reach out to your healthcare professional and inquire about virtual appointments as this is a great way to still observe social distancing.

We have also implemented an e-signature to ease the burden on clinics here.

What is included in the home insemination kit?

Seattle Sperm Bank provides a basic at-home insemination kit with every home delivery. It includes 2 syringes per vial, vial float, and instructions.

How big is the box?

The box weighs approximately 20lbs and is 23 inches x 12 inches x 11 inches.

What do I need other than what is provided?

Seattle Sperm Bank provides two syringes per vial, a vial float, and instructions. You will also need a container with water that is warmed and a thermometer to check the temperature does not go above 37˚C (98.6 ˚F). Here is a helpful video on what to do:

When should I place the shipping order?

Tanks are shipped 2-day via FedEx (This is 2 business days Monday through Friday, no weekend shipments). All orders received after 1:00 pm PST or 4:00 pm EST will be shipped the next day. Please note, our shipping department is closed on weekends.

The goal is to inseminate during your 12 to 24-hour “fertility window.” For most women, this takes place sometime between days 10-15 of their monthly cycle. We recommend using a home ovulation monitor to help you target your most fertile days. It can be helpful to start practicing this a month or two before your first insemination attempt so you can become more aware of your peak ovulation time.

Plan to have your package arrive 2-3 business days prior to your expected insemination. This will minimize your risk of missing your cycle due to early ovulation, or unexpected Shipping delays.

How long will the vial/vials stay safely frozen?

Seattle Sperm Bank will ship your vial in a 14-day tank. With 2-day shipping time, this should give you approximately 12 days. You will receive instructions that include an expiration date for your vial and when you need to return the tank back to Seattle Sperm Bank.

How long can I keep the tank?

Tank check out times for residential deliveries are being granted an extra week due to COVID-19, giving 14 days total to return the tank. Instructions with exact return times are all included with shipments.

How long will it take to thaw and how quickly do I need to use the vial?

Vials need 10 minutes to properly thaw. Instructions are always included with the shipment.

If I miss my ovulation can I send the vial back for storage?

We do allow vials to be returned and will store them at SSB, with two free months during the outbreak. Any samples that leave our facility are not eligible for Buy Back but are safely stored for future use by the original recipient.

Do I need to be home to sign for the delivery?

FedEx has temporarily suspended signature requirements on packages.

How do I return the tank?

A prepaid return label is included with the tank. You can either drop the tank off at FedEx or schedule a pick-up at Lost or non-returned tanks will be charged to the patient, at the cost of replacing the tank. Current tank value is $1,000. Liability no longer applies once the tank is scanned by FedEx’s system.

Scheduling Your At-Home Insemination

The timing of your insemination is critical. This procedure is extremely time-sensitive and should be coordinated with your natural ovulation cycle. The goal is to inseminate during your 12 to 24-hour “fertility window.” For most women, this takes place sometime between days 10-15 of their monthly cycle. We recommend using a home ovulation monitor to help you target your most fertile days. It can be helpful to start practicing this a month or two before your first insemination attempt so you can become more aware of your peak ovulation time.

Tips for your at-home insemination

Home insemination allows you the opportunity to create a setting that is the most relaxing for you. You can meditate, put on soothing music, dim the lights, or do anything else you find comforting.

You may choose to only inseminate once or repeat insemination two or three times during your fertile window to increase your chances of conception.

On average, it takes multiple cycles for most women to achieve pregnancy. Don’t be discouraged if it doesn’t happen on your first or second try. By following the tips above, you’ll give yourself the best chance of starting a family.

All of us here at Seattle Sperm Bank look forward to working with you and we wish you the best on your path to parenthood! Call or email our wonderful Client Service Team for any needs, (206) 588-1484.

Keep in touch on Facebook and Instagram!

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